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THE MARINE TEAM  features a digital Science Sketch Comedy performance and aligned educational resources presented by professional Actor/Educators for all students in grades 5-9.

You can use the materials on the page to help you promote this educational incursion across your school community.
Just click to download and share!

Promotional Materials

A Science Sketch Comedy and fact-filled curriculum event, focusing on ocean sustainability, innovation and technology.

marine Team logo.png
Program Overview

Download the THE MARINE TEAM program overview to find out key information about the production incursion for Science/STEM In Schools. Select the program version relevant to your school's booking.


Download and print out more copies of the THE MARINE TEAM production poster for your school.


Need something to accompany an announcement in your school newsletter or social media post? Feel free to use one of these photos below. Just click on the image you want and you will be led to the full size photo.

Copy for School Newsletters

Use the text below to promote THE MARINE TEAM in your school newsletter or blog and spread the excitement. There is a smaller version below if you have less space to fill. 

The oceans are needlessly being harmed on a daily basis. In today’s ever-changing world, those tasked with conserving our planet’s resources are members of an elite squad: The Marine Team. This educational incursion engages grade 5-9 school students in marine science and innovation to achieve long-term sustainability of our oceans.


The Marine Team is a 40 minute, digital science sketch comedy performance that consists of two professional actor/educators with two goals. The first goal is to highlight what is ocean sustainability, how oceans impact our planet, solutions that generate healthy oceans and how YOU can help embrace innovative ocean technology. The second goal is to make your students laugh so hard that they forget they’re learning!


The curriculum aligned program is a series of science comedy sketches between characters in all sorts of hilarious situations.

Short Form Copy​

The oceans are needlessly being harmed on a daily basis. In today’s ever-changing world, those tasked with conserving our planet’s resources are members of an elite squad: The Marine Team. This educational incursion engages grade 5-9 school students in marine science and innovation to achieve long-term sustainability of our oceans.

Social Media

If you would like to promote THE MARINE TEAM  through your school social media accounts - we've got some content to help you out! 

For use on 
Twitter and

Use these social media squares below to remind and excite your school family about THE MARINE TEAM performance coming to your school!  You can click 'download' on the images to download them (they may open in another window) and then upload them to Instagram, Facebook, or your website to share them. There is a recommend message below each one but feel free to write your own. If you choose to write your own message please use the hashtags below and tag us @performeducation so we can share in the joy. 




We're excited to have THE MARINE TEAM    coming to our school!




Not long now until THE MARINE TEAM  visits our school for Science/STEM in Schools!




We're excited to have THE MARINE TEAM  coming to our school!




THE MARINE TEAM performed by the wonderful actors from @performeducation will be here tomorrow! Get ready to LEARN and LAUGH as we discover technologies driven by ocean innovation!



Promotional Video

Learn about Perform Education with this promotional video showing off our Science Week in School program.

Here is the link to share the video and promote Science Week coming to your school:

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