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Teacher Testimonials

“Brilliant! The students loved the acting and the songs - teachers loved how it involved such relevant topics. The books were brought to life in a very fun and engaging way!”
Mountain Gate Primary School, Book Week in Schools
cyber bullying
Outstanding presentation. Proves that science and science education can be fun. The music was a huge bonus and well aimed at their level. Fantastic show!


​Birrong Girls High School, Science Week in Schools

Great performance. A very powerful presentation that will help to keep our students safe from harm.


Fawkner Primary School, Cyber Safety in Schools

Children identified with characters from the books… storyline – clear and well articulated… Great energy! Debriefing the performance great idea! Great lessons evolved! Audience interaction / crowd control – excellent!!! Great that we recognized all the characters. Props very effective. Encourages children to read and write.


Bethany Lutheran Primary School, Book Week in Schools

You guys did a terrific job. Your message was relevant, factual, up to date and interesting. Very relevant to the target audience with up to date environmental issues related in a modern context. Good, thought–provoking contemporary approach to critically evaluate the environment.


Padua College, Science Week in Schools

cyber bullying
This type of program is exactly the image Science needs across the nation!


Melbourne Grammar School, Science Week in Schools

“It’s so wonderful to see reading promoted in this way!”

St Finbarr's School, Book Week in Schools

cyber bullying
​The children responded well to all elements of the show... Showed the children that books can come alive in your imagination. Very inspiring and motivating.


Maungawhau School, Book Week in Schools New Zealand

Great energy and enthusiasm from the actors. Great storyline – very relevant to the curriculum... Very entertaining thank you!


Fendalton Open Air School, Book Week in Schools New Zealand

“Excellent production. I was not sure how to make this topic interesting and you succeeded in spades!”


Wallan Secondary College, Financial Literacy in Schools

A highly entertaining, fun, engaging and interactive production that was fast paced and full of variety - a real treat to celebrate Book Week! Excellent teacher’s pack, which helped the students in following the storyline and singing along.
Russell Lea School, Book Week in Schools
“Very animated which captured the students attention right across the year levels... The were attentive and focused – all classes embraced the books... well done.” 


St Mary Magdalene's Primary School, Book Week in Schools

The $100 note really caught the students attention as well as the music, current content and the interaction. Very enjoyable!"


Pymble Ladies College, Financial Literacy in Schools

cyber bullying
​Loved that it was related to real issues, and the humour was spot on! The music kept the children engaged and the questions at the end were very relevant. A very important message was expressed to the students and has provided wonderful opportunities for follow up work and discussion.


Karaka School, Cyber Safety in Schools

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